Judging Rubrics

Thank you for submitting your scholarly work to our symposium’s poster competition!

Poster judging is a 2-tier process.

1. Poster Content

All posters will be reviewed and judged prior to Symposium day based on the criteria shown here:

Each of these 6 criteria will be scored using a 0-5 scale, with 0 indicating poor/inadequate work, and 5 indicating stellar/commendable work. Maximum score = 30.

Author(s) of the top 10 posters will be invited to give a brief oral presentation onsite for peer review.

2. On-site Oral Poster Presentation

The author(s) of the top 10 posters will have 5 minutes to present their poster, followed by a 2 minute question-and-answer session with judges and spectators. This will emphasize the importance of communicating findings. Presenters will be evaluated based on the rubric seen here:

Each of these 4 criteria are scored using a 0-5 scale, with 0 indicating poor/inadequate work, and 5 indicating stellar/commendable work. Maximum score = 20.

The top 3 presentations will receive an award commemorating your work!